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Англо-русский строительный словарь - true


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка true на русский


1) правильный; точный; действительный

2) выверять, править; выставлять, центрировать

true to size — с точным размером

true to shape — правильно спрофилированный (напр. о дороге)

to true up — 1) выверять; править 2) рихтовать

to make true — отрегулировать (двигатель)

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См. в других словарях

  1) точный; верный; правильный; истинный2) выверять3) выравнивать; регулировать; юстировать4) править (шлифовальный круг) ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  bill leg. утвержденный обвинительный акт TRUE horizon astr. истинный горизонт TRUE up выверять; править; пригонять; регулировать; Has the wheel been properly trued up? TRUE  1. adj.  1) верный, правильный; true time - среднее солнечное время; it is not true - это неправда  2) истинный, настоящий, подлинный  3) верный, преданный (to); a true friend - преданный друг  4) правдивый, искренний, непритворный  5) точный (об изображении, копии и т.п.) (to); true to life - реалистический, жизненно правдивый; точно воспроизведенный  6) законный, действительный; true copy - заверенная копия true as I stand here coll. - сущая правда Syn: see accurate  2. v. tech. править, пригонять, выверять, регулировать (тж. true up) - true up  3. adv.  1) правдиво; tell me true - скажи мне честно; his words ring true - его слова звучат правдиво  2) точно; to aim true - целиться точно; to breed true - сохранить чистоту породы TRUE azimuth истинный азимут TRUE believer правоверный ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. (the true) истина, правда; реальность, действительное положение дел Id: in true —- правильно установленный (настроенный); точный Id: out of true —- плохо установленный; неточный; невертикальный, неотвесный Id: to get (to run) out of true —- децентрироваться (о колесе) Id: to put smth. out of true —- децентрировать что-л. 2. верный, правильный true story —- правдивая история to hold true for smth. —- быть верным в отношении чего-л., распространяться на что-л. this also holds true for the film —- то же самое можно сказать и о фильме to prove true —- подтвердиться the rumour proved only too true —- слух, к сожалению, полностью подтвердился to consider things in their true light —- видеть вещи в истинном свете the novel is based on a true story —- в основу романа положена подлинная история, роман имеет документальную основу fiction is truer than history —- художественная литература ближе к истине, чем исторические сочинения is the news true? —- это сообщение верно? it is only too true —- это чистейшая правда is it true that you are going away? —- (это) правда, что вы уезжаете? is it true (can it be true) that he refused? —- неужели (неужто) он отказался? it is true (that)... —- надо признать, (что)... it is true I saw him only once —- правда, я видел его только один раз that's true!, true enough! —- верно, вы правы! 3. в функции вводного слова: правда true, the book is...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  настоящий, подлинный, верный, правильный – it's true – to hold true TRUE прил. 1) настоящий, подлинный 2) верный, правильный 3) точный - true goal - true market value - true observation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  профилировать (напр. шлифовальный круг) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) верный 2) выверить 3) выверять 4) действителен 5) действительный 6) истинный 7) подлинный 8) правильный 9) справедливый almost true sentence — почти истинное высказывание be true in the large — быть справедливым в большом drill does not run true — сверло отклоняется от прямой effectively true formula — эффективно истинная формула general recursively true — общерекурсивно истинный general recursively true formula — общерекурсивно истинная формула hold true for — быть справедливым в отношении identically true formula — тождественно истинная формула identically true proposition — тождественно истинное высказывание logically true expression — логически истинное выражение logically true sentence — логически истинное предложение logically true statement — логически истинное высказывание neither statement is true — ни то, ни другое утверждение не верно part wears out of true — деталь имеет выработку primitive recursively true — примитивно-рекурсивно истинный realization of true equality — реализация верного равенства the converse is also true — верно также и обратное (утверждение) true truth statement — истинное высказывание true an abrasive tool — править абразивный инструмент true boiling point — физ. температура кипения истинная true lover's knot — двойной узел, узел истинной дружбы true quotient field — поле, являющееся полем частных...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) точность; правильность восстанавливать точность или правильность точный; правильный 2) выверять 3) править (абразивный инструмент) 4) выравнивать; центрировать 5) истина (значение логического сигнала) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., adv., & v. --adj. 1 in accordance with fact or reality (a true story). 2 genuine; rightly or strictly so called; not spurious or counterfeit (a true friend; the true heir to the throne). 3 (often foll. by to) loyal or faithful (true to one's word). 4 (foll. by to) accurately conforming (to a standard or expectation etc.) (true to form). 5 correctly positioned or balanced; upright, level. 6 exact, accurate (a true aim; a true copy). 7 (absol.) (also it is true) certainly, admittedly (true, it would cost more). 8 (of a note) exactly in tune. 9 archaic honest, upright (twelve good men and true). --adv. 1 truly (tell me true). 2 accurately (aim true). 3 without variation (breed true). --v.tr. (trues, trued, truing or trueing) bring (a tool, wheel, frame, etc.) into the exact position or form required. Phrases and idioms come true actually happen or be the case. out of true (or the true) not in the correct or exact position. true bill US & hist. a bill of indictment endorsed by a grand jury as being sustained by evidence. true-blue adj. extremely loyal or orthodox. --n. such a person, esp. a Conservative. true-born genuine (a true-born Englishman). true-bred of a genuine or good breed. true-hearted faithful, loyal. true horizon see HORIZON 1c. true-love a sweetheart. true-love (or -lover's) knot a kind of knot with interlacing bows on each side, symbolizing true love. true north etc. north etc. according to the earth's axis, not magnetic north. true rib a rib joined directly to the breastbone. true to form (or type) being or behaving etc. as expected. true to life accurately representing life. Derivatives trueish adj. trueness n. Etymology: OE treowe, trywe, f. the Gmc noun repr. by TRUCE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English trewe, from Old English treowe faithful; akin to Old High German gitriuwi faithful, Old Irish derb sure, and probably to Sanskrit daru?a hard, daru wood — more at tree  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. steadfast, loyal  b. honest, just  c. archaic truthful  2.  a.  (1) being in accordance with the actual state of affairs ~ description  (2) conformable to an essential reality  (3) fully realized or fulfilled dreams come ~  b. ideal, essential  c. being that which is the case rather than what is manifest or assumed the ~ dimension of the problem  d. consistent ~ to character  3.  a. properly so called ~ love the ~ faith the ~ stomach of ruminant mammals  b.  (1) possessing the basic characters of and belonging to the same natural group as a whale is a ~ but not a typical mammal  (2) typical the ~ cats  4. legitimate, rightful our ~ and lawful king  5.  a. that is fitted or formed or that functions accurately  b. conformable to a standard or pattern ; accurate  6. determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles ~ north  7. logically necessary  8. narrow, strict in the ~st sense  9. corrected for error  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 14th century  1. in accordance with fact or reality  2.  a. without deviation the bullet flew straight and ~  b. without variation from type breed ~  III. noun  Date: circa 1536  1. truth, reality — usually used with the  2. the quality or state of being accurate (as in alignment or adjustment) — used in the phrases in ~ and out of ~  IV. transitive verb  (~d; ~ing; also truing)  Date: 1841 to make level, square, balanced, or concentric ; bring or restore to a desired mechanical accuracy or form ~ up a board ~ up an engine cylinder ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (truer, truest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something is true, it is based on facts rather than being invented or imagined, and is accurate and reliable. Everything I had heard about him was true... The film tells the true story of a group who survived in the Andes in sub-zero temperatures. ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ that 2. You use true to emphasize that a person or thing is sincere or genuine, often in contrast to something that is pretended or hidden. I allowed myself to acknowledge my true feelings... The true cost often differs from that which had first been projected... = real ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 3. If you use true to describe something or someone, you approve of them because they have all the characteristics or qualities that such a person or thing typically has. Maybe one day you’ll find true love... The ability to work collaboratively is a true test of leadership... I think he’s a true genius. = real ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]approval 4. If you say that a fact is true of a particular person or situation, you mean that it is valid or relevant for them. I accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage, but surely this is true of many couples... Expenditure on health in most of these countries has gone down, and the same is true for education. ADJ: v-link ADJ of/for n 5. If you are true to someone, you remain committed and loyal to them. If you are true to an idea or promise, you remain committed to it and continue to act according to it. David was true to his wife... India has remained true to democracy... She’s been true to her word from day one. = faithful ADJ: v-link ADJ to n 6. If a dream, wish, or prediction comes true, it actually happens. Owning a place of their own is a dream come true for the couple. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If a general statement holds true in particular circumstances, or if your previous statement holds true in different circumstances, it is true or valid in those...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »NOT FALSE« based on facts and not imagined or invented  (No, honestly, it's a true story. | it is true (that))  (Is it true that you're leaving? | be true of sb)  (Babies need a lot of sleep and this is particularly true of newborns.)  (- opposite false) 2 the true value/seriousness/nature etc the real value etc of something rather than what seems at first to be correct  (I didn't realize the true seriousness of the problem until I checked the fuel gauge. | The house was sold for only a fraction of its true value.) 3 »REAL FEELINGS« your true emotions, beliefs, opinions etc are the ones that you really have and not the ones that you pretend to have  (Her true motives only emerged later.) 4 »ADMITTING STH« spoken used when you are admitting that something is true, but saying that in spite of this something else is also true  ("He's very hard-working." "True, but I still don't think he's the right man for the job.") 5 true love/courage/freedom etc the type of love etc that is strong and has all the qualities that it should have  (True courage includes the recognition of your own fear.) 6 come true if wishes, dreams etc come true, they happen in the way that someone has said or hoped that they would  (By 1975 the worst economic predictions had come true.)  (- see also a dream come true dream1 (5)) 7 »LOYAL« faithful and loyal to someone, whatever happens  (Throughout the whole ordeal, she remained true to her husband.) 8 true friend/believer/sportsman etc someone who behaves in the way that a good friend etc should behave  (You find out who your true friends are at times like this..) 9 true to form/type used to say that someone is behaving in the bad way that you expect them to  (True to form, Henry turned up late.) 10 true to life a book, play, description etc that is true to life seems very real and natural; realistic 11 true to your word doing exactly what you have promised to do  (True to his word, John arrived promptly at 2 o'clock.) 12 be true to your principles/beliefs etc to behave according to the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  funny abbr. Teenage Roswellians United Eternally gen. bus. abbr. Timely Responsive Unconditional Enthusiastic NASDAQ abbr. Truetime, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. triewe (W.Saxon), treowe (Mercian) "faithful, trustworthy," from P.Gmc. *trewwjaz, perhaps ultimately from PIE *dru- "tree," on the notion of "steadfast as an oak." Sense of "consistent with fact" first recorded 12c.; that of "agreeing with a certain standard" (as true north) is c.1550. Truism is from 1708, first attested in writings of Swift. True-love (adj.) was in M.E.; true-born first attested 1591. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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